All This And Heaven Too


By Louanne Robinson


It's awesome ...

The majesty and power of nature

Power that draws me into a realm of purity and primeval splendor

A power that weaves ever fiber of me into it's serenity

and near heart-rending beauty


A power of life that can be but God-breathed

In every living tendril

Every flash of color

Every rippling pool.

A paean of liquid bird trills breaks from treetop citadels


As the pulse in my veins answers the call

Gold fish mouths breach a silvery surface

As if to tell me the water is richer than the air in my nostrils

And as in a dream my mind walks beneatht he reflections

Watching the fish, as birds, glide o'er my head in gleaming sunlit schools.


It is as if paradise came through a chink in time

Just for an instant

As I stood in precisely the right place

To catch a glimpse of it's heavenly country

And I would have that portal never to close


But would rather die and enter through

So as not to lose the vision that has so enraptured my soul.

O joy - not a dream or vision

This fern plumage and floral pagentry

This whir of wing and guilded scale...


All alive!

This, my inheritance

All This, and Heaven too


Copyright 1980

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